Why Should We Care About Climate Change?

Over the years, increasing amounts of information are coming out about the climate changes that are happening in our world. Climate change and global warming have dominated the news cycles as we become more aware of what greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution have done to our atmosphere.

Whilst we are hearing so much about this, there are still people out there who aren’t caring about what they are doing, which adds to this issue. Now that rising temperatures and extreme weather events are becoming the norm for us, it is important that we all care. So if you are wondering “why should we care about climate change?” it’s time to read on.

Climate Change Impacts Everyone

Climate change does not limit itself to one area of the world, it affects us all. It does depends on where you live, of course, as some countries are hit a lot harder than others. That is why countries that aren’t feeling the extreme effects of climate change, don’t see it as a huge issue. They read about major changes to human health and rising sea levels, but they don’t connect it fully with a climate crisis and see it as just what happens in some locations. For instance, in California, they are experiencing extreme temperatures and are having droughts that are a lot more frequent than what they are used to.

Weather Changes

Some of us would see hot weather as lovely and needed after a cold winter, whilst others would be worrying about the severe consequences that the hot weather is having on their water supply and crops. It can make people feel vulnerable and scared of what may happen next. Climate change is also affecting the rate and volume of rain too, with countries such as India experiencing extreme floods which are devastating homes and killing people due to the fact people can’t escape and have nowhere to go.

It Can Happen To Us

Just because of the location we are in now, does not mean we are immune to global warming effects like boiling temperatures and floods. They could appear at any time in the future, and that is why if we address climate change problems now, we can stop this from happening all over. It is already affecting food prices in the majority of places due to extreme weather events.

The Effect On Animals

If you have watched nature documentaries then you are aware that animals thrive in a variety of climates, but if that climate is altered because of global warming, greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide, methane), fossil fuels, and cutting down forests, these animals can then lose their homes. Polar bears are having their homes melt into the sea because of the rising ocean temperatures. We are watching the sea level rise on our TVs as they are trying to stay alive because of what the warmer climate is doing to them. Forests being cut down means that birds and other creatures are not able to survive without their homes and shelter – we are making them extinct.

Change in Food Security

Throughout the world, food is grown that matches the climate, but because of the effects of climate change, crop yields are declining and being disrupted, meaning that they are not able to grow the way they used to. Crop failures can stop businesses from bringing in money, and will affect people’s food security.

How It Will Affect People

Agricultural productivity diminishes because of pollutants, which can leave farmers worried about what they can do next. The changing climate contributing to food shortages will mean that throughout the world, different countries and individuals will suffer from the results. Putting people are risk of dying because of malnutrition and hunger.

Future Generations Will Be Badly Affected

If climate change doesn’t slow down, then future humans will be affected quite badly and the negative effects on public health may turn out to be irreversible if they are not handled properly now, this is why legislation, as well as action, must start happening so that the next generation and the next, will not be dealing with something that could have been reduced during our time.


It is important that voices are heard regarding climate change issues. The planet will not be able to bounce back properly if water sources are not protected and prevention of damage to agriculture has not been put in place. Scientists have focused for decades on the change to the world and what that will mean. This is why politicians and those in charge, need to listen to their research and findings and put together the appropriate legal rules to help protect the planet and the humans and animals that are living on it. They have the power to do so, and so do we. We have the potential to change this or make it worse.

How To Reduce Greenhouse Gases

Large companies and governments need to do what they can to counteract the effects of climate change, but there are also things that we can do to help move that along as well.

Renewable Energy

Using different energy sources rather than coal-based power plants will help the climate. Alternative sources such as wind, solar, and hydro energy, can make a big difference to the energy we use. It is worth looking into how solar panels may be a good idea to install on your roof so you can power your home and appliances.

Adjust Your Thermostat

You can reduce carbon dioxide emissions in the winter and summer by changing your thermostat up 3 degrees during the warmer months, and then down 3 degrees in the colder months (3 degrees Fahrenheit that is). Smart thermostats will be able to help you lower your emissions as well as your utility bill by not going on when you are out or asleep.

Energy-Saving Light Bulbs

Global warming pollution can be reduced if people would replace their normal light bulbs with energy-saving ones. This too can also help you save money on your utility bills as LED light bulbs are a lot more efficient with the energy they produce.

Clothing Changes

Washing your clothes on cooler cycles can help save energy as using hot water can raise emissions. It is also a good idea to line dry clothes rather than put them in the tumble dryer. If you do not have a line or a back garden, a clothing rack will do just fine.

Turn Off Electronics

No matter what you do or where you go, if you are no longer using your lights, computer, laptop, oven, microwave, etc., turn them off at the wall and unplug them. Electronics can still leech out electricity even when they are turned off, so be sure to unplug them and do a sweep of your home to check. It may be annoying, but just think about how you are helping the earth and contributing to public health.


If this article hasn’t made you think twice about how important it is to take on board what climate change is doing to the planet, then I don’t know what else I can say. Rising sea levels, coral reefs being bleached, and no access to a clean water supply in some regions, are all things that are happening right now. Global warming and climate change isn’t a myth, it’s real, and they will keep causing more issues if it carries on.

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